Buy Bimatoprost to help eyelashes grow thicker, longer and darker. Bimatoprost is the generic of Lumigan. Bimatoprost is believed to act on the growth phase of the eyelash hair growth phase. The solution has been developed after intensive scientific research and is safe to use. Used Bimatoprost as per instructions to get fuller and luscious eyelashes. You can easily buy bimatoprost at Rx 2 Go Pharmacy with absolutely no hassles.
How does Bimatoprost Work?
The exact nature of Bimatoprost is not known but it is believed to work on the growth phase of the eyelash hair growth. There are two ways in which it helps eyelash growth. One Bimatoprost increases the length of the growth phase and second, it increases the number of hairs. A lipid called prostaglandin in Bimatoprost is known to influence the growth phase of eyelash hair.
Side effects of Bimatoprost / Generic of Allergan or Lumigan
The normal side effects of using Bimatoprost solution are itching and redness of eye. These symptoms last for a short duration and is not a cause of worry. Patients suffering from high ocular pressure should consult a doctor before using Bimatoprost since one of the ingredients is known to lower the ocular pressure. Redness of eye, darkening of area around the eyes and dryness of eyes are other side effects of using Bimatoprost. However as long as the doses are limited to those prescribed by the doctor, it is not known as a cause of worry. If the symptoms prolong, consult a doctor on further doses and application. It has not been proven to cause any side effects in pregnant women. As a precaution, it is advised to avoid using Bimatoprost during pregnancy.
Guidelines before taking Bimatoprost / Generic of Allergan or Lumigan
Purchase Bimatoprost solution online and get a free applicator, which can be used for about 20 times. Additional applicators can be bought online in packs of 30 and 60 numbers. Generic Bimatoprost solution should be applied to the upper eyelid once a day, preferably during night. There is not need to apply to the lower eyelid, since while sleeping both eyelids come in contact and the solution passes on to the lower eyelid as well. It is an ophthalmic solution and hence there are no problems if it accidentally gets into the eyes. The pack contains instructions for applying
What are the common dosages of Bimatoprost / Generic of Allergan or Lumigan?
Bimatoprost solution is sold in packs on 3ml each. It should be applied once a day, preferably at night.
Difference between Brand and Generic
The only difference between branded and generic Bimatoprost is the brand name. The ingredients and the effectiveness are the same. The other major difference between the two is the price. Generic Bimatoprost is cheaper than the branded solution. Buy generic Bimatoprost solution and experience the same results as Bimatoprost.
Where and How to Buy Bimatoprost?
Buy online Bimatoprost solution. Check the table above for prices and quantity and order Bimatoprost drug online.
Why is the price of Bimatoprost / Generic of Allergan or Lumigan so cheap at Rx 2 GO Pharmacy?
The core value at Rx 2 Go Pharmacy is to provide prescription drugs at a cheaper price. Continual improvements and search for alternatives help in reducing the cost. One such measure taken is to source the ingredients in large quantities from manufacturers, thereby helping us negotiate prices better.
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All information contained on this page, including information related to medical and health conditions or products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professionals or any information contained on or in any product packaging or labels. This information is thus often presented in a summary or aggregate form.
You should not use any of the information contained on this page for diagnosing a health problem or prescribing a medication. This information is provided by the manufacturers of the products on or in the product packaging and labels for you to carefully read before using any product purchased on the website. It is always advised to consult your own physician and / or medical advisor before buying it.
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