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Chickenpox (VARICELLA): Signs, Symptoms, Prevention and Medications

Chickenpox is a condition caused by a virus “Varicella-Zoster”. The disease causes an itchy red blister that occurs all over your body. Chickenpox is a contagious disease. It can spread from one person to another through direct contact.

Everyone can get this disease. Infant and adult with a weak immune system are more prone to this disease. It can also lead to a serious health problem and other skin diseases. The best prevention for this disease is to get vaccinated.


The symptoms of chickenpox may include:

  • Fever
  • A headache
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Muscle Pain
  • Having a raised pink or red bumps (Papules)
  • A small fluid-filled blister (Vesicles)
  • Crusts and cabs may develop

The infection may occur about 21 days and below and it last about 5 to 7 days.


The main source of this infection is a virus called “Varicella-Zoster”. If the virus occurs to a person, it can spread to another person. The virus can spread in different ways such as:

  • Through the Saliva
  • Through Coughing
  • Through Sneezing
  • Direct contact with fluid from the Blister



The following are the people at risk of developing the disease such as:

  • Haven’t had a chicken pox vaccine
  • Never had a chicken pox
  • A weak immune system
  • A pregnant women
  • Taking certain medication
  • Direct contact with an infected person
  • Has a cancer
  • Infant and Children
  • Adult
  • Having a chronic disease
  • Working in a school or child care
  • Exposure in a room with an infected person
  • Sharing things with a person with the disease
  • Patients who had a transplant


The listed below are ways to prevent yourself from developing the disease.

  • Get vaccinated for chickenpox.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Keep your immune system strong.
  • Avoid getting close to an infected person.
  • Set up a cozy room for a family member with chickenpox.
  • Don’t share cups, dishes, and utensils with a person with the disease.
  • Do not share your personal things.
  • Disinfect your home.
  • Avoid kissing a person who has chickenpox.


In diagnosing, the doctor will examine the rash and your symptoms. After conducting a physical exam. He may suggest you to undergo some test such as:

  • A culture of Lesion Samples
  • Blood Tests

If the diagnosis is done, the treatment for the disease comes next. Your doctor will prescribe you some medication for treating your condition.


The doctor may prescribe an antihistamine drug, to relieve itching. Also, some antiviral drugs will do such as:

In some cases, this condition doesn’t require a treatment. Mostly it is advisable to just run its course.