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Mental health disorders, also known as “psychiatric or mental disorders”, refer to a range of conditions that affect one’s mental well-being, disrupting their thoughts, emotions, mood, and behavior.
These disorders can significantly impact daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life.
Dealing with mental illness can pose challenges in managing work, relationships, and various life demands.
The term “mental illnesses” refers to a wide range of problems. Among the more prevalent kinds are:
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Characterized by excessive worry and fear about various aspects of life. GAD can lead to physical symptoms such as muscle tension and restlessness. It runs in families. However, the reason why some individuals have it and others do not is unknown. The parts of the brain that regulate anxiety and fear are involved, according to research.
2. Panic Disorder
Involves sudden and intense episodes of fear, known as panic attacks. This is accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.
Panic attacks happen suddenly. Symptoms vary by person, but they usually peak within 10 minutes.
3. Social Anxiety Disorder
It is marked by an overwhelming fear of social situations. Individuals with social anxiety disorder may avoid interactions. They may also endure them with extreme discomfort.
4. Depression
Depression, also known as “major depressive disorder”, is a common medical condition. This condition can adversely affect one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The good news is that it is treatable..
Depression leads to feelings of sadness hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in activities. It can result in various mental and physical challenges. These challenges hinder your ability to function effectively both at work and at home.
5. Bipolar Disorder
Involves extreme mood swings between depressive episodes and periods of mania. Bipolar disorder involves extreme mood swings. These include:
· Periods of mania are characterized by elevated energy levels, impulsivity, and euphoria.
· Depressive episodes are marked by profound sadness and low energy. During a depressive episode, the person is feeling sad, irritable, or empty. They lose pleasure or interest in activities for the majority of the day, almost every day.
The shifts between these mood states can significantly impact a person’s daily life.
6. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by:
· Obsession- persistent, unwanted thoughts
· Compulsion- repetitive behaviors or mental acts
People suffering from OCD are troubled by persistent thoughts or concerns. This drives them to perform specific rituals or routines. OCD can significantly interfere with daily functioning. One example is a person who has an irrational fear of germs and frequently washes their hands.
7. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, such as:
· sexual or physical attack
· the untimely death of a loved one
· a natural disaster
Symptoms may include:
· flashbacks
· nightmares
· severe anxiety
People suffering from PTSD frequently experience long-term and frightening thoughts and memories of the event. Additionally, they may struggle with emotional numbness.
8. Personality Disorders
People with personality disorders have very strong and inflexible personality traits. These traits can cause distress and problems in different areas of life like work, school, or relationships.
Their ways of thinking and behaving are significantly different from what society expects. Their inflexibility makes it hard for them to function normally.
Examples of personality disorders include:
· antisocial personality disorder
· obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
· histrionic personality disorder
· schizoid personality disorder
· paranoid personality disorder